So many great things happened--big things! I graduated, Tanner got hired on at Baylor, we took trips and visited friends and family, we survived one whole year of marriage(!), we plugged in with a church family we love, we moved...! It's been a full, full year. We're blessed, and I am humbled and so very grateful for God's goodness and faithfulness in our lives.
In the spirit of reflecting, here are some of my most favorite captured moments from this year compliments of the ole' cell phone...which captures way more than my camera these days.
1.nye on the mountain 2.scenic drive to work 3.rainy study day with griffin 4.replacing the floors 5.our first renaissance festival tie easter eggs 7.celebrating cinco with some special kiddos 8.trip to the world hunger farm 9.graduation with some of my favorite people 10.adopted into the texas family 11.fort worth stockyards 12.sailboats and summer 13.beach trip with alabama's finest furry loves 15.west fest karaoke 16.alabama season opener 17.sunset appreciation 18.celebrating 1 year 19.naptime 20.welcoming colder weather 21.a favorite hat 22.concert with dear friends 23.couch hogs 24.stella 25.halloween block party 26.road trip shenanigans 27.thanksgiving at the ranch 28.moving out 29.moving in 30.relaxing in a new space 31.homemade potpourri
So many wonderful moments...and this doesn't even scratch the surface! I am so very grateful for my camera phone. That sucker changes everything.
Tomorrow I'll post pictures taken with the "real" camera!
You were one for the books, 2012!
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