Friday, January 17, 2014


I need more pictures in my life. This is a fact. In an attempt to be more cognizant of my surroundings and what we're doing with our days, I'm embarking on a little photo-project for 2014. Like bleubird said last year, I'm just not ready to commit to a 'picture a day for a year' kind of thing. That's quite the lofty goal for this picture taking novice.... So instead, I'm going to stick with one picture a week. 

Naturally I am late. We're half way through week 3 -BUT- thankfully I've been taking pictures. Maybe I knew I was going to attempt this project before I really 'knew'...ya know? Hm. 

Week 1:
I got a vitamix for Christmas and it is amaaaaaaaazing. It's my new favorite kitchen toy.

Week 2:
Stella in her natural habitat.

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